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 Icon Settings

This section controls various aspects of Opus's icon display routines.

  Allow icons with no labels:
    Opus uses a special 'bit' in the .info file to indicate a label-less
    icon, sometimes this is arbitrarily set.   If this option is enabled,
    an icon with no label will be displayed otherwise all icons will have
    a label.

  Borderless icons are fully transparent:
    Makes Opus render its borderless icons with colour 0 transparent over
    the whole icon, rather than just colour 0 around the edge. This
    results in quite a large speed increase when loading borderless icons.

  Cache icon images:
    Icon caching improves the speed of displaying icon mode and icon action
    mode listers.  However, if you find this causes problems, you may
    disable it.  This setting is only checked at Opus startup - you will
    need to quit and restart Opus after altering this setting.

  Force split of long labels:
    If this is enabled it will force the splitting of icon labels onto 2
    lines if an icon's label is more than 1.5 times the width of the icon,
    regardless of whether any of the criteria of 'Split long icon labels'
    is met or not.

  Icon borders on by default:
    Turns on ALL icon borders by default but can be overridden on an
    individual icon basis from the  Icon Information  requester.

  Perform all actions on icons:
    Anything that happens to the icon will happen to the '.info' file
    associated with it.

  Quick icon dragging:
     Icons are no longer be masked when they are dragged.  This results
     in an opaque background to the icon (like in Workbench) but is much

  Real-time icon scrolling:
     When enabled causes icons to scroll through any icon mode windows when
     using the window sliders.  Pattern centering is disabled, (tiling is
     enforced), if real-time icon scrolling is enabled and the window is

  Remap icon images:
    Directory Opus will, by default, remap 8 colour icons to the top and
    bottom 4 colours in the palette. This option allows you to override
    this behaviour.

  Remove Opus icon positions:
    Setting this option along with the Use Workbench Icon Positions flag
    enables you to move an Opus-ised system back to a Workbench position
    system without having to resnapshot all your icons. When set, Opus
    will use the Opus icon position in icons when there is one. When an
    icon is snapshotted, the Opus position will be removed, and the
    Workbench position will be saved. The next time the icon is read, it's
    the Workbench position that will be used.

  Select icons automatically:
    Whenever an icon is selected the associated '.info' file is selected

  Show arrow on left-out icons:
    Controls whether or not you see the little arrow shown on the bottom
    left of left-out icons.

  Smart icon copying:
    DOpus 5.5 copied icons using GetDiskObject()/PutDiskObject().
    There turned out to be a few problems with this method, so now it copies
    icons like any other files (straight byte copy).  However, if you set
    this option, it will copy them with Get/PutDiskObject() like before.

  Split long icon labels:
    If an icon's label is more than 1.5 times the width of the icon
    itself, it can be split onto multiple lines. The algorithm will only
    split labels on spaces, punctuation characters or on a capital letter.
    If there is nowhere to split the text then the label won't be split at

  Trap 'More' in default tool:
    When you double-click or  Open  a project icon whose default tool is
    set to 'More', the file's contents will instead be displayed in the
    Opus 5 text viewer.

  Use custom drag routines:
    Opus supports its own custom dragging routines which speed thinsg up for
    NON-graphics card users. Gaphics card users should turn it off.

  Use Workbench icon positions:
    Tells Opus to use the same fields in icons as the Workbench does to
    store and retrieve icon and window positioning information. If you
    snapshot icons on a disk and give the disk to an unfortunate
    Opus-less Amiga user, they will still be able to view your icons in
    the correct positions with Workbench.